Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Load Saved StarCraft 1: Brood Wars Multiplayer Games.

It has been a while since I last posted anything here so here I go. I have been thrilled to play StarCraft 1 for a while and I have been playing the LAN Multiplayer games with 2 CPU allies VS 5 enemy commanders. I have saved some of them and I went to the Single Player to load one of them. I did not see that saved game in any of those saved ones and I went all around just to get what I want. I failed in doing so but not until I checked some internet posts online for solutions. I did what they post there and it worked! 

 The steps:

は Go to C\Program Files (x86)\ StarCraft\Maps\Save.
は Find the save file with the .mlx file extension and copy it (CTRL+ C).
は Go to C\Program Files (x86)\Save\{{Your Name}}\
* Ex. C\Program Files (x86)\Save\Dark Arcueid
は Paste it there and replace the .mlx file extension to .snx.
は Start the StarCraft 1 program. 
は Go to Single Player.
は Choose Expansion.
は Choose the name of choice.
* Ex. Dark Arcueid
は Go Load Saved Game
は Choose your saved MP game and you're all the way for fun!

EN TARO ADUN EXECUTOR! Have fun with your 3-man team VS 5-man foes.

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