Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Load Saved StarCraft 1: Brood Wars Multiplayer Games.

It has been a while since I last posted anything here so here I go. I have been thrilled to play StarCraft 1 for a while and I have been playing the LAN Multiplayer games with 2 CPU allies VS 5 enemy commanders. I have saved some of them and I went to the Single Player to load one of them. I did not see that saved game in any of those saved ones and I went all around just to get what I want. I failed in doing so but not until I checked some internet posts online for solutions. I did what they post there and it worked! 

 The steps:

は Go to C\Program Files (x86)\ StarCraft\Maps\Save.
は Find the save file with the .mlx file extension and copy it (CTRL+ C).
は Go to C\Program Files (x86)\Save\{{Your Name}}\
* Ex. C\Program Files (x86)\Save\Dark Arcueid
は Paste it there and replace the .mlx file extension to .snx.
は Start the StarCraft 1 program. 
は Go to Single Player.
は Choose Expansion.
は Choose the name of choice.
* Ex. Dark Arcueid
は Go Load Saved Game
は Choose your saved MP game and you're all the way for fun!

EN TARO ADUN EXECUTOR! Have fun with your 3-man team VS 5-man foes.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Godzilla 2014 Teaser

Here we have the leaked trailer for the 2014 film of the ever famous daikaijuu Godzilla.

Godzilla 2014 Teaser Trailer from Joey Shabadoo on Vimeo.